Stewardship Sunday Potluck

Embracing Our Community

February 25, after service at UCC

We’re Embracing Our Community with food and fellowship after the Stewardship Sunday Worship service on February 25! This will be an easy opportunity to complete your pledge card for the next church year. We’re making progress on a number of goals with exciting new initiatives, so come celebrate with us! Before we begin a new church year with new staff members, we need your ongoing financial support. A lot of hard work has brought us to this point, so let us celebrate by

Embracing Our Community!

Our Stewardship Sunday Pot Luck will be an easy set-up, easy clean-up, zero waste, fun event! We are asking everyone to bring their own plates/bowls, utensils, cups, and napkins (and to take them home for washing).

Everyone is welcome! You are invited to bring a dish (sandwiches, salads, crock pots, fruit, desserts, gluten-free and vegan options are all welcome) and/or help set up and/or clean up. Unfortunately, we do not have facilities to heat or re-heat food. You can email the Co-Chairs at if you have questions.

Paint Branchers, come join the fun! Let’s Embrace Our Community!

For more information about the 2024-2025 Stewardship campaign, Embracing Our Community, go to