Love the Questions/Live the Questions

sign with light that says "ask"

with Worship Associate Jacqui Walpole
In the spirit of our September theme (Love), we’ll explore the concept of loving and living into life’s questions with the UU tradition of a Question Box service. 

All are invited to write down any meaningful questions about anything (i.e. love, life, relationships, church, spirituality, humanity, history, politics, the universe, current community/world events, getting-to-know-the-new-minister, etc) on 3 x 5 index cards – unsigned. Feel free to bring those cards with you to this service or submit your questions below before 12pm this Friday. Our new PBUUC minister Anthony Jenkins will aim to offer his answers to as many of your questions as possible ‘on the fly’ during this service – without having read them beforehand. Some of your especially thought-provoking questions may even become future sermon topics.

Streaming to our FaceBook page, on Zoom and in person held at:
   University Christian Church
   6800 Adelphi Road
   Hyattsville, MD

Order of Service