Author: webmaster

Board News – 5/31/24

Dear Members and Friends of Paint Branch, I am writing to share information with you about two important matters. Annual Congregational Meeting–Rescheduled The Annual Congregational Meeting scheduled for June 9th is being postponed until Sunday, June 23rd at 10 AM. We will provide Zoom links and links to important meeting documents here in the ContinUUm on … Continue reading Board News – 5/31/24

Congregation-wide Social Justice Projects at Paint Branch Approved!

A Social Justice Task Force (SJTF) was formed in February for the purpose of identifying and initiating a congregation-wide social justice project. Task Force members are Lula Beatty, Sue Bollens, Carmelita Carter-Sykes, Mark Denome, Margaret McLellan, and Patricia Most. The Task Force surveyed all church members and held a listening session to determine congregational interests in … Continue reading Congregation-wide Social Justice Projects at Paint Branch Approved!