From the PBUUC Stewardship Committee
Making an annual financial pledge supports:
- innovative, meaningful worship and music,
- our ongoing anti-racism, social justice, and environmental work, and
- the conscientious, creative, intelligent staff who support the community we love.

You are invited to Branch Out with Love
by filling out the 2025-2026 Stewardship Commitment Form.
Or send an email to
Or visit the Stewardship Table after worship on Sunday.
Please note that donations of appreciated stock can be pledged.
February 23, 2025: Stewardship Worship Service Soup Supper
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30: Worship Testimonials Pledge Cards in lobby
April 6: Stewardship Celebration
The annual pledges received from members and friends allows
Paint Branch Unitarian Universalist Church develop a responsible budget
for the fiscal year that begins on July 1.
The proposed budget is presented at the Annual Congregational Meeting in June.
UUA Giving Guide
Please note that pledges can be modified if an individual’s circumstances change.