Archives: Services


with Worship Associate Lula BeattyProphet Audre Lorde shared with us: “There is no such thing as a single issue struggle, because we do not lead single-issue lives.” If oppression is intersectional, how can our Unitarian Universalist faith call us to explore and act upon intersectional solutions to oppression? Streaming to our FaceBook page, on Zoom and … Continue reading Intersectionality

Everything You Need

with Liturgist Elizabeth PorterOn this journey of our lives, what do we really need? In this service of story, movement and reflection, let’s explore together, as we kick off the annual stewardship campaign. Streaming to our FaceBook page, on Zoom and in person at 3:00 at:   University Christian Church   6800 Adelphi Road   Hyattsville, MD Order of … Continue reading Everything You Need

How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America

with Worship Associate Lula BeattyWhat happens when we refuse to see the truth even when that truth is in plain sight? This Black History service, led by the DARTT Bookread group, explores how our willingness to open our minds and hearts to our painful common history can lead to racial healing and justice.  It is based … Continue reading How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America

The Boundaries of Love (Mission Discernment Part 5)

with Liturgist Andy McIntire“Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously,” says Prentis Hemphill. What might this mean for us, in our lives and in this church? Streaming to our FaceBook page, on Zoom and in person at 3:00 at:   University Christian Church   6800 Adelphi Road   Hyattsville, MD Order of Service … Continue reading The Boundaries of Love (Mission Discernment Part 5)