Speaker: Anthony Jenkins

Apocalypse Now?

with Worship Associates Anne Hoover and Carol Carter WalkerNear the end of his time, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said “Only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars”. For many, the challenges of our modern times (social, racial, political, economic, environmental, etc.) feel like the darkest of all time and/or … Continue reading Apocalypse Now?


with Worship Associate Jacqui WalpoleChaplain Anthony Jenkins will lead us in a service centered in the heart of the Israel-Palestine relationship. Together we’ll reflect upon some of the emotional complexity, conflict, and confluence experienced on both sides (and in the space between). Streaming to our FaceBook page, on Zoom and in person at 3:00 at:   University … Continue reading Schism

When the Saints Go Marching In

On this Memorial Day Sunday, U.S. Air Force Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Jenkins will lead a service reflecting on both the light and shadows of military chaplaincy – through the prism of the proud few who are UU. Streaming to our FaceBook page, on Zoom and in person at 3:00 at:   University Christian Church   6800 Adelphi Road   … Continue reading When the Saints Go Marching In

Whole Tone

with Jeri Holloway, Worship Associate; and guest musician Tom Monroe on saxophone and pianoIn the spirit of Pride month (slightly belated), Rev. Anthony Jenkins will lead a worship service dedicated to Billy Strayhorn. Together well explore the pianist, composer, arranger, lyricist, and activist who was instrumental to the music (and life) of Duke Ellington. Well … Continue reading Whole Tone

Inner Urge

with additional special musical guests; with Jeri Holloway, Worship Associate; and the Chalice Dancers.This exciting service will feature instrumental music, and inspiring thoughts.