Speaker: Carmelita Carter-Sykes

One Kwanzaa, Many Colors

with Worship Associate Lula Beatty Celebrate Kwanzaa with us. Kwanzaa honors the African roots, struggles and strengths of Black Americans. We’ll tell the Kwanzaa story of gratitude for the harvest, hope for the future, and pride in culture. We will reflect on how the seven principles of Kwanzaa can nurture and connect all people and … Continue reading One Kwanzaa, Many Colors

Beloved Conversations About Race

This fall, nine people from Paint Branch participated in the Beloved Conversations program, which offers a variety of anti-racism learning opportunities over a three-month period. For most of the participants, funding was provided by this church, in recognition of the value of this learning for the congregation as a whole. In this service, program participants … Continue reading Beloved Conversations About Race

Kwanzaa: The Value of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

with Worship Associate Lula BeattyWe celebrate Kwanzaa giving thanks for the harvest which brings us good food from the earth and expressing appreciation for the wisdom and strength of our ancestors who provided nurturing homes, communities, and institutions against tremendous odds. We reflect on how we can build a better future for all. Streaming to … Continue reading Kwanzaa: The Value of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)


with Worship Associate John Barr Kwanzaa Roots and Branches:Where do we come from? How do we extend our reach? And, as always, if you have a joy or sorrow that you would like shared aloud during this service, please email it to joys-sorrows@pbuuc.org by noon on Friday. Streaming to our FaceBook page. Order of Service