Welcome, spiritual travelers!

The Meditation Gathering is a spiritual community of caring. All are welcome to attend online for some personal support, mutual encouragement, and quiet time for meditation. We begin and end with a reading and chalice lighting or extinguishing that coincides with the theme of the day’s worship service. The chalice lighting is followed by a time for checking in with ourselves and each other. Our meditation time starts with a reading from the Faith Forward curriculum that describes a very gentle and encouraging approach to meditation. We meet on the first and third Sunday mornings of each month at 11:00 am via Zoom. New and previous attendees are welcome. Look in the ContinUUm for the zoom link and/or information about how to join the email list.

The Spirituality Circle typically meets on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. Participants engage within an intimate group of seekers sharing their paths and ideas as they explore their spirituality through experiential techniques and/or discussion. For over a decade this group has covered a wide range of subjects, drawing on spiritual traditions and practices from all over the world.

Come and deepen your connections to other members of the Paint Branch community through these explorations of spiritual practices. Newcomers are always welcome. For more information please contact spiritualitycircle@pbuuc.org.