Earth Ministry Team

Our mission is to provide spiritual grounding and education for earth care, climate justice, and flourishing for all. Our goals include the following:
- Generate commitment to community action on environmental issues.
- Build awareness of societal environmental justice issues among Unitarian Universalists (UUs).
- Build a connection between spiritual practice and environmental justice consciousness, living the seventh principle and our values.
- Generate commitment to personal and congregational lifestyle changes, being as green as we can be, choosing green options where we can.
We invite all who share these values to join us on this journey of connection, sustainability, and hope. The Earth Ministry Team has more than enough work for everybody. We especially need your ideas and suggestions for how to keep these efforts current and moving forward. We have a regular monthly meeting time and place: First Wednesdays, Noon to 1:30 pm, at the New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt, MD
Whether your interests lie in hands-on tasks or educational discussions, please feel free to roll up your sleeves (literally or metaphorically) and jump in! Chat with us after regular church services in the lobby, where we often have delicious food treats and sometimes a fun mini-game. Contact