In addition to sermons by settled and interim ministers, the archive includes guest and lay-led services. In particular, it is our tradition that most summer services are organized by the Worship Associates with lay speakers, some of which are represented in the archive.

Shadows and Light

with Worship Associate Sue Bollens In the spirit of our February theme (Interdependence) and Groundhog Day, we’ll share a service centered in rude awakenings. Together we’ll explore the ways in which the light of spiritual growth depends upon intermittent (and often involuntary) ‘winter’ seasons of shadow work. Streaming to our FaceBook page, on Zoom and in person held at:   University Christian … Continue reading Shadows and Light

A Dream Deferred?

with Worship Associate Jacqui Walpole In the spirit of our February theme (Interdependence), the MLK holiday, and Black History Month – we’ll share a service centered in what Dr. King identified as the three evils of society (racism, poverty, and war). Together we’ll consider those three shadows (and the light of Dr. King’s dream of beloved community) in the context of … Continue reading A Dream Deferred?