Caring Support at Paint Branch
At the core of this covenantal faith community is our commitment to be there for one another. Caring support can be particularly helpful during times of transition, loss, health concerns, isolation or other experiences that may raise questions about meaning, purpose and faith.
Paint Branch offers several forms of caring support for congregants:
Rev. Ann is available for pastoral visits and phone calls. Contact Rev. Ann at 301-937-3667 or
Pastoral Care Associates are trained congregants who work with Rev. Ann to offer spiritual listening and compassionate presence. This ministry of “being,” rather than “doing,” is an extension of the pastoral care that our minister provides. The Pastoral Care Associates are Lynn Louison, Jim Flaherty and Margaret McLellan. Contact Pastoral Care Associates at

The “We Care” Team offers assistance with transportation, meals, and cards:
- Transportation – Margaret McLellan coordinates volunteers who can offer rides to congregants:
- Meals and Shopping – Sonny Katz and Renee Katz coordinate volunteers who can cook meals or grocery shop for congregants:
- Cards – Jacqui Walpole coordinates the writing of cards to congregants:
- “CaringBridge” Support – Anita Williams and Kim Keyes can assist with using a CaringBridge website, for sharing health updates and coordinating help:
If you would appreciate one of these supports, or if you know of a congregant who would benefit, please be in touch with us.
And if you would like to volunteer to offer support in one of these areas, please contact us!