Adult RE | Ebony Contraras |
Arts Council - Music | Pat Tompkins |
Arts Council -Visual Arts | Pat Tompkins (acting) |
Auction Committee | Tricia Most and Kathi Yu |
Bookstore | Raman Pathik |
Budget Leadership Team | Kathi Yu and Wendy Schlegel |
Buildings & Grounds | Peter Wathen-Dunn |
Chalice Dancers | Sherry Mitchell |
Children’s Choir | Jeanne Judd |
Choir | David Chapman |
Coffee Coordinator | (vacant) |
Committee on Ministry | [TBD] |
Community Café | Alice Tyler |
Community Learning Center | Carmelita Carter-Sykes |
Community Relations Team | Paul Wester |
Continuity and COVID Response | Reese Myrdon |
Creative Force Writers Group | Ebony Contreras |
Denominational Affairs | Ebony Contreras Peace., Chair |
Diversity/Anti-Racism Transformation Team (DARTT) | Carmelita Carter-Sykes and Lula Beatty |
Endowment Committee | Chris Evans |
Finance Committee | Elaine Shell |
Food for Thought | Mary Rooker |
Green Team | Moe Cunningham and Kathleen Bartolomeo |
Handcraft Circle | Ebeth Porter |
LGBTQ+ Group | (vacant) |
Leasing Committee | Joe Dever |
Membership Committee | Carol Carter Walker (acting) |
Mental Health Support Group | Alice Tyler |
Men’s Group | Keith Miller |
Mom’s Group | Penney Hughes |
Multigenerational Religious Exploration Team (MRET) | Katherine Darlington and Tricia Most |
Nominating Committee | Carmelita Carter-Sykes (acting) |
Offertory Counter Coordinator | Marilyn Pearl |
Pagan Group | Abi Hanley |
Personnel Committee | Moe Cunningham, Sabrina Jones, and Janet Overton |
Quest Discussion Group | Tess Morrison |
Racial Climate Leadership Team | Deb Rubenstein |
Religious Education Discernment | |
SAC Special Collections Coordinator | Carmelita Carter-Sykes |
Shamanic Journeying | Mary Rooker |
Social Action Committee (SAC) | Kathleen Bartolomeo |
Spirituality Circle | Amy Steiner |
Stewardship | Chris Evans |
Sunday Sound & Facilities Volunteer Team | Keith Miller |
Third Wednesday Lunch Club | Cathy Helmold |
Ushers | Lori Snyder |
Warm Nights | (vacant) |
Webmaster | Andy McIntire |
Welcome Table Greeters | Anita Williams |
Welcoming Congregation | Eric Eldritch |
Widowed Persons Group | Jeri Holloway |
Women’s Retreat | Anne Hoover |